Moon: Vallis Schroteri and Aristarchus (DSLR)

moon - vallis schrotes, dslr
27.9.2012 - Taken from Rehovot city in Israel. Instrument: Canon 500D DSLR camera in prime focus of 250mm f/5 Newotonian, with Powermate 5X. Mosaic of 4 images, stack of ~600/3000 frames.

schroter's valley and aristarchus
24.3.2013 - Taken from Rehovot city in Israel. Instrument: DFK21AS618 camera, 250mm f/5 Newotonian, with Powermate 5X (f/27). Mosaic of 4 images, each is a stack of ~1000/4000 frames.

Older image, taken with Canon 500D DSLR through Orion SkyView pro 8" f/5 Newtonian, with GSO 2X barlow at april 2011.