Veil Nebula Fragment (NGC 6995 region) - Sketch

veil nebula east, ngc 6995 ic 1340 sketch

Object details: Part of the eastern Veil Nebula: NGC 6992 at top, NGC 6995 at middle, IC 1340 at right. Supernova remnant, magnitude: ~7m, distance 2Kly, constellation: Cygnus.

Location and conditions: Borot Lutz area, Negev desert, Israel, ~6.7 NELM.
Date and time: 10-11/08/2018, 03:00 (UT+3)
Instrument: VX12 300mm F/4 Newtonian, Paracorr T1, 18mm ES82 (77x, 1.06°), NPB filter.
Drawing details: Graphite pencil sketch on a white paper, made while observing with telescope under a red light. Scanned, inverted and processed in Photoshop. The brightness is slightly exagerrated for presentation purposes. Observer: Michael Vlasov.

Original drawing:

ngc 3998 group - original drawing